Detective Team and Technology
Detective Agency Detective Team DSH: Experts since three decades
The detectives of our German private investigation agency Detective Team DSH – headquartered in Stuttgart, the federal state capital of Baden-Württemberg, and with direct branch investigative offices in Ludwigsburg, Fellbach, Schorndorf and Salem near Lake Constance where Germany, Austria and Switzerland meet – apply their long-standing professional practice and experience. They are particularly specialized in cases in the economic sector. But also efficient in private legitimate concerns. Economic and private investigations are by no means as different as assumed. Because in both spheres it is always about one and the same: about human beings.

"We investigate discretely and practice-oriented for your best interests & profits!"
- Owner-operated!
- Probably rare feature in the field of German PIs: Top-References! I.a. from Bank Chairmen, Firm Owners and Law Firms!
- Approaches/connections refined · Continuously for over 25 years!
- For Business and Private
- 6 locations in Germany
- Very good knowledge of English
- Regional, nationwide and international investigations
Our Detective Team, grown since 1986:
- Heads of investigation
- Undercover investigators
- Observers
- Social engineers
- Economic investigators
- Due diligence investigators
- Fraud investigators
- Interview experts
- GPS technicians
- Video engineers
- Photographers
- Specialists in the defense against eavesdropping
- IT forensic scientists
- Dactyloscopic experts
- DNA forensic scientists
- For strategic reasons we forgo further listing of our experts and technology.
Let us not forget to mention one of the nationwide experts in Germany on questioning under pretext. Whom we could win over to our private detective agency in 2010. For two decades he has been training future police officers and detectives as a guest lecturer at the German Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA). Also relevant to us: He has been applying the art of funnel-like diligent questioning in investigations – for more than three decades now. With a very high success rate. It gives us great pleasure to be allowed to employ him as one of our universal weapons against fraudsters. In addition, there are nationwide to international investigative contacts and employees.
Our philosophy: Our success is your success!
Anyone who wants to be successful these days needs a strength-oriented thinking and procedure at all levels. This principle is applied by our detective team in order to enforce the legitimate interests of our clients. Only those who focus attention on the specific challenges of the individual case can guide themselves and others in an authentic and reputable way; as well as use their abilities consciously in terms of strengths and success. And make important decisions on behalf of the client reliably.
We make important decisions every day. And that’s good. We often witness the fact that it’s difficult for people in general as well as clients – before they seek our detective agency’s advice – to overcome fears and uncertainties. They hesitate. They postpone. Hence the perpetrators profit after all. The motto of our investigators: Zero tolerance for your damage causers! Instead, right of way for your legitimate interests!
Before the commissioning of our private investigation service by you there will be an initial informal meeting with our detective agency’s founder and owner Wolfgang Hasenmaier, if required. Wolfgang Hasenmaier will advise you comprehensively. Goal-oriented considering the relevant details. As a client of our detective agency you will always be kept well informed by us during ongoing investigations. You will be confidentially involved and you will help us solve the case thereby. This clarity, confidential sharing of thoughts and information provides the basis for our success. This will enable you to take better decisions. And to focus on planning and implementing solutions, together with us.
Non-binding initial telephone consultation
It’s almost never purposeful to act with precipitation. Great relevance in our work therefore has to keep a cool head. Haste makes waste! Especially because the tasks of a detective agency are quite often complex, flexible and demanding. And first and foremost: very relevant – since existences are at stake. A cool head separates the most important from the unimportant more efficiently, recognizes risks and opportunities better. Is also able to use unexpected developments. Creative thinking against the tide and performing systematically or analytically are not mutually exclusive.
Our investigators and detectives remain focused under particularly great pressure. Whether in delicate economic investigations or difficult private investigations – our detective team navigates and directs you with the utmost discretion through relevant issues. The staff of our detective agency is psychologically trained. It is particularly appealing to us to tackle the tricky issues. In order to develop solutions for your problems and, if desired, to mediate between different stakeholders. Also in a particularly complex environment. Problem solving, which, according to your legitimate interests, is based on sustainability.
Wolfgang Hasenmaier’s own specializations include, among other things, uncovering economic fraudsters and obtaining purposeful key and background information. For example, when searching, tracing and recovering illegally hidden assets of investment and insolvency fraudsters. Proven first-class references from law firms, chief executive officers, managing directors, the Chairman of the Board of a globally operating bank, from managers and entrepreneurs speak for themselves.
Most of our detectives have several decades of professional experience. With the aid of state-of-the-art technology and continuous staff education and training our detective team is very often able to provide our customers the crucial results for enforcing their legitimate interests. Always up to date in terms of technology and know-how we investigate, advise and support the clients of our detective agency efficiently. On this basis, our private investigators and detectives have been handling cases since 1986 with utmost discretion. Both delicate private affairs – such as infidelity in marriage, stalking, bullying, mobbing, slander or rent disputes – as well as cases of various types of economic crime, so-called white-collar crime. At regional, national and international level.
The targeted use of our specialist knowledge gained over decades, contacts and technological processes, such as IT forensics and protection from eavesdropping, often enables us to discreetly obtain information and evidence that can also be used in court if necessary. In most cases the clients desire an out-of-court dispute settlement. In legal matters we can rely on the expertise of experienced law firms with whom we have been trusting cooperating for many years.
Last but not least: The private investigators of our Detective Team DSH are detectives of conviction – victim protection makes us happy. With nothing, for example, we can bite fraudsters more sustainably than with bringing back their prey to the fraud victims. Decide against laisser-faire! Take countermeasures self-consciously and early enough! Right of way for your legitimate interests! We stand by you.