Reputation Management
The worldwide interconnection of many companies based on ever advancing globalisation is not only a step towards the future – it also represents a great potential risk. Outsourcing may lead to a loss in direct control over corporate tasks and structures. Loss of reputation can also be caused by economic criminal actions. Crisis and reputation management serve to diagnose and reduce such insecurity and danger and to make them easier to control.
Reputation, which the great French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu also described as „symbolic capital“, is one of the most important corporate resources of all. „Corporate reputation“ is an integral part of the overall public image of a business, the „corporate identity“.

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Many interesting academic debates have taken place regarding the factors that contribute to corporate reputation. One thing however is certain: The good name of a company is an important resource in global competition and it has never been so easy to cause long-lasting damage as nowadays in the world of Web 2.0 and social media. Bad and undesirable news, regardless of whether it is true or not, can ruin a positive corporate image which has been built up over years and even endanger very existence of a business.
You can use our know-how to organise your crisis communication authentically and proactively. We create a corporate reputation profile (including social media, blogs, forums etc.) and advise you on the introduction of image-enhancing measures. Don’t let negative reports appear about you! Emphasise your superiority and take the initiative!
Incidentally: Even allegations which are obviously untrue and defamatory can cause sustainable damage to your reputation. We also investigate such cases to provide evidence which will hold up in court.