References of our detective agency and professional associations
The customer base of our private detective agency Detective Team DSH, headquartered in Stuttgart and with other detective offices in Ludwigsburg, Fellbach, Schorndorf and Salem near Lake Constance, consists of private individuals, businessmen, attorneys with their law firms, insurance companies, small to mid-sized enterprises as well as corporations operating at regional, national, and international level. The satisfaction of our clients and business partners as well as the high performance capability of our staff, detectives, and investigators are the basis for success of our Stuttgart detective agency Detective Team DSH. Both in economic investigations and in private investigations.

"We investigate discretely and practice-oriented for your best interests & profits!"
- Owner-operated!
- Probably rare feature in the field of German PIs: Top-References! I.a. from Bank Chairmen, Firm Owners and Law Firms!
- Approaches/connections refined · Continuously for over 25 years!
- For Business and Private
- 6 locations in Germany
- Very good knowledge of English
- Regional, nationwide and international investigations
The Stuttgart detective agency Detective Team DSH has outstanding references which we are allowed to communicate by kind permission of our satisfied customers whom we would like to thank for the trust they have placed in us. Please bear with us that in many cases we cannot publish the references in our publications for obvious reasons: As a professional detective agency we treat the concerns of our clients with the utmost discretion and protect their interests. Several clients can be named with their consent in a one-to-one conversation. Thanks to the results of our investigations our private investigation agency in Stuttgart is regularly recommended.
Only few detective agencies get references from law firms. Lawyers are professional disputers at academic level and are subject to the strict regulations of the Federal German Bar Association (BRAK). Because of this, they are among the most discerning clients for detective agencies. A partial extract of our written references from law firms:
- Law Firm Bauer & Coll.
- Law Firm von Podewils, Beuttler & Kollegen
- Lawyer M. Kolaczkowski
- Law Firm Jörg Streichert
Upon request we can provide further references from:
- law firms
- chief executive officers
- managers and entrepreneurs
- the Chairman of the Board of a globally operating bank.
Professional Associations
Serious detective agencies organize themselves in professional associations that implement a binding professional code of conduct and also apply stringent admission and quality criteria: Only 10–12 % of the private investigation agencies appearing on the market are admitted into professional associations of detectives. Our private investigation agency Stuttgart Detective Team DSH is a member of two international professional associations:
Bund Internationaler Detektive
World Association of Detectives
Our detective agency is also a member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Stuttgart region (IHK Region Stuttgart).