Labour law
Labour law covers all legal relationships between employer and employee. The corpus delicti include illegal employment, proscribed side lining, expenses fraud, breach of secrecy, embezzlement, salary fraud and theft. Using our longstanding experience in labour law we investigate facts and provide evidence in order to assist you in asserting your rights. Our agency is regularly engaged by major corporations, medium-sized enterprises as well as smaller companies.
Good money for good work! What employer wouldn’t subscribe to this principle? Generally speaking the relationship between employer and employee is one of trust. If you want to fire an employee who is noticeable for absenteeism, embezzles, manipulates or steals you need one thing above all at the labour court – hard evidence.
Do you suspect that one or more of your employees are involved in criminal activities to the detriment of your company? Our economic detective agency can verify your suspicions! Only conclusive proof of these criminal practices can make a termination without notice possible.
If criminal behavior on the part of an employee is verified our detailed investigative report and the extremely high credibility of the investigator concerned make sure that you will succeed in the labour court.
With the economic detective agency Detektiv-Team DSH you can count on over 20 years of experience regarding labour law investigations.

"We investigate discretely and practice-oriented for your best interests & profits!"
- Owner-operated!
- Probably rare feature in the field of German PIs: Top-References! I.a. from Bank Chairmen, Firm Owners and Law Firms!
- Approaches/connections refined · Continuously for over 25 years!
- For Business and Private
- 6 locations in Germany
- Very good knowledge of English
- Regional, nationwide and international investigations
By the way…
Employers may have employees out on sick leave observed by detectives and if their suspicions are confirmed may charge the employee for the costs hereby incurred.
Bundesarbeitsgericht Kassel (AZR 5/97)
According to a decree by the Federal Labour Court recourse may be taken against employees for detective expenses as may be deemed necessary under the condition that a concrete suspicion exists that their behaviour has caused damage to the company. This applies for example in the case of absenteeism. Should the employee be found guilty he may be required to cover the damages, including all costs incurred for the measures taken. This also includes any costs for detective work. (AZR 5/97, 17.09.98)
Should an employee be caught in the act of committing an intentional breach of contract through video observation the costs of the observation are to be reimbursed. Without this definite suspicion these costs are regarded as precautionary and therefore non-refundable. Subject to the principle of proportionality the personal rights of the employee must be weighed up against the property rights of the employer.
(ArbG Düsseldorf 10. Kammer)